Shaun's story...

Bruce: How come you started attending one2one Gillies Street Church of Christ?

Shaun: A few days before Christmas 2011 I attended hospital for some treatment. While there I struck up a conversation with one of the medical staff and inquired what they might be doing over Christmas. The common response of spending time with the family was given but along with that was an explanation that they would be attending the 11.00 pm Christmas Eve service at one2one Gillies Street Church of Christ. Furthermore the person extended an invitation to me to come along and I would be most welcome to join in.

After leaving hospital I didn't give the invitation much further thought. However, as Christmas Eve approached I gave it serious consideration. The 2011 Christmas Eve service at one2one Gillies Street Church of Christ was the first time I attended and I have been a regular attender at the Sunday evening services ever since.

Bruce: Shaun you've got cerebral palsy, can you tell us what it has been like growing up?

Shaun: Growing up as a young person with cerebral palsy was very difficult particularly at school where I didn't have many friends and was teased constantly. Although I was quite good at mathematics I struggled at school and the constant abuse weighed me down. There have been some very dark periods where I was very fearful of what might happen.

Bruce: So what’s changed since you started attending one2one?

Shaun: It’s been good. The medication I’m now on has helped and I’m much more optimistic about life. My circle of friends has increased dramatically. I continue to attend church of an evening where I’m rostered to help out on the door and I often go out for supper afterwards. Also I have been attending Bible study group on a Tuesday afternoon.

Bruce: Shaun we've discussed from the Bible how you can know God personally.

Shaun: Yes, I've come to know God and have put my trust in Jesus as my Saviour. Although I still have some down days I now know that God is with me each day.

Bruce: One other thing, you take communion each Sunday evening,  the cup of grape juice and a small piece of wafer. How does that work for you?

Shaun: Well at the start the small cup was a bit difficult to manage and there were a few accidents. However, with the cerebral palsy, I concentrate and work on it…the good news is you can now stand beside me and be confident you won’t get sprayed.

Shaun, front left, with his Bible study group.


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