Meg's Story...

My name is Meg and I am married to Shane. We have three children, Nina, six, who has started pre-school, Mae, three, and Taiki, who was born last year.

I grew up in Japan and Shane grew up in New Zealand. We met in Alice Springs when I was touring Australia. I didn’t want to get married but Shane was very persistent and he followed me home to Japan. We were married in Japan in 2007

Shane is a Christian but I never understood anything about be a Christian. We settled in Ballarat. I had to stay home to mind the children while Shane went to work. I was very lonely and we argued a lot. I realised something had to change so I started attending MOPS, Mothers of Pre-School children, at a local church, York Street Church of Christ. I then joined a Bible Study. However, my home language is Japanese and I found it very difficult to understand.
One day two ladies, Karen and Janine, from one2one MOPs, came to speak at the York Street MOPs. I cried while I was listening to their stories.

One day I said to Shane, “We should go to the church at one2one as a family and see what it is like.” We have attended ever since and I have been attending MOPs with Mae and Taiki at one2one. We love our church family and I love one2one MOPs.

Although I was attending church with my family and attending MOPs regularly I still didn’t understand what it meant to be a Christian. I couldn’t understand why God would let His son Jesus die. I would never allow Nina to die. One day I realised I needed to talk to someone who could explain. So a few weeks ago, one MOPs morning, Grandpa Bruce explained to me simply how I could know God personally through His son, Jesus. I have placed my trust in Jesus. Grandpa Bruce invited me to pray in Japanese, my own language. It was the first time I had prayed to God in Japanese and I know He heard me. His Spirit confirmed it in my heart.

Since then my good friend, Kate, has been helping me learn what it means to follow Jesus. I know I am a VSP, Very Special Person, to God. He loves me and cares for me. God is helping me to be a better wife to Shane and a better Mum to our three children. Do we still argue? Yes, but I know now that God is with us helping us work things out.

Recently we had a family holiday in New Zealand and made time to see Shane’s family. Shane’s mum likes me and I was able to have a lovely chat with her.

I was baptised on Sunday 27 April because I knew baptism is a big part of following Jesus, and I want to obey Him as my Lord and Saviour.


Here I am with Grandpa Bruce and afterwards with friends from my church family, who prayed for me after my baptism.


Shane and I are getting married again soon. Pastor Mark is marrying us and you are all invited.

When I was young my father died. I miss him. However, I now know that I have a Heavenly Father who cares for me and my family and watches over us each day.


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