Sunday Evening

I greeted Anne when she arrived just before the start of the Sunday evening service. It was the second time I had met Anne. A few weeks earlier I had met her in the reception area to the church offices. Anne was leaving after attending a Woman2Woman craft activity.

It was good to see Anne again at the evening service. I was attending because my daughter was conducting the baptism of a lass, who was a member of the youth group.

After the service,  a friend, Amie, told me she would be conducting her first Discovery Bible Study Monday lunchtime in the food court in Central Square, and Anne, and another lady, would be joining in.

Monday morning I sent this text, "Hello Amie, You, Anne and Marg are in my prayers for your first DBS in Central Square today. Praise God, he is always at work drawing people to himself, through our Saviour Jesus. Bruce"

Monday afternoon I received this message, "Thanks Bruce. Anne came and we did knowing God  personally and she accepted Jesus as Lord and Saviour. She wants to do the 7 commands before baptism. Marg didn't show so we will keep praying for her and invite again next week."
The Kingdom of God is here and it is Growing.


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