Meg's Story Continued...

In one of my posts in July 2014, Meg told her story and mentioned she and her husband, Shane, wanted to get married again. They were married in 2007 in a registry office in Japan. Now  they wanted to be married in a church.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAToday, Saturday 28 February, I attended their re-commitment ceremony. It was a special day. Their pastor invited the guests to stand and to the music of Steve Grace's, Marry Me Again, Shane and Meg entered the chapel with their three delightful children, Nina and Mae on either side, and Taiki held safely in his father's arms. Shane looked very smart in a new suit, Meg was radiant in a lovely wedding dress and the children were all dressed for the occasion.

I was very emotional. It was ten months since I baptised Meg following her acceptance of Jesus as her Saviour and I had watched her grow in her understanding of her new relationship with her Heavenly Father. Not only was a I privileged to pray a prayer of dedication during the ceremony but I knew I had been privileged to speak into Meg's life and the life of her family.


I watched as the afternoon unfolded, the ceremony conducted by their pastor, the vows and the exchange of rings, photographs, support from family and friends, and after the ceremony the  food, the cutting of the wedding cake, and of course more photographs. Underlying it all, and what made it extra special was the support of the members of their home Bible Study group. The group helped arrange the printed order of service, the suit for Shane, the wedding dress for Meg, the food, the wedding cake and of course the photographs.

I came away amazed at the graciousness of God, who patiently seeks out those who would come to him and receive the gift of new life and a new Spirit through His Son, Jesus Christ.

On the inside of the back cover of their order of service Shane and Meg wrote,

We would like to take this opportunity

to express our sincere thanks for sharing

this special day with us.

We trust that the ceremony conveys

the depth of love that we share

with each other and the hope we have for the future.

We both look forward to sharing our lives

together trusting that the love of God will reign throughout

our lives and reflect upon

our friendship with you all.

Again, thank you for your participation in

celebrating our day

and our special friendship.

Shane & Meg


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