Discovering God's Compassion for a Lost World...
Our Discovery group recently concluded it's deliberations on the the Old Testament book of Jonah. It's an amazing story resulting in a whole city, the city of Nineveh, seeking God's forgiveness. In a recent post, Disruptive Grace, I wrote, "The disruptive grace of God has not been and is not confined to biblical times. The Spirit of God continues to bring disruptive grace today. People's lives are dramatically changed, individual people, communities and nations around the world are radically and fundamentally changed." And while Jonah is another biblical example of God's disruptive grace a read of Steve Addison's, Movements that Changed the World , will quickly give you a historical view of the movements of the grace of God up to the present day. During these movements individuals, communities and nations are influenced by the Spirit of God and remarkable change results. God said to Jonah, "And should I not have concern for the great city of Ninev...