In her book, Time to Think, 1999, Nancy Kline lists ten components of a thinking environment, Attention - Listening with respect, interest and fascination. Incisive Questions - Removing assumptions that limit ideas. Equality - Treating each other as thinking peers, Appreciation - Practising a five-to-one ratio of appreciation to criticism. Ease - Offering freedom from rush and urgency. Encouragement - Moving beyond competition. Feelings - Allowing sufficient emotional release to restore thinking. Information - Providing a full and accurate picture of reality. Place - Creating a physical environment that says back to people, 'You matter.' Diversity - Adding quality because of the differences between us. Almost forty years before, in 1961, Taylor Caldwell wrote her novel, The Man Who Listens, where eighty year old John Godfrey fulfilled his dream of constructing a place, a physical environment, which said to people who entered, 'You matter.' With const...