
Showing posts from April, 2016

Prayer : The Calm that Follows the Storm

Reblog of a recent post by my friend Paul at   It has been said that even as an exercise in itself prayer has psychological benefits. It can be a means of releasing the tension that result from worry and fear. Yet we are assured from Scripture that prayer is not merely a subjective exercise like reciting a Buddhist mantra rather it is the placing of our situation, needs and fears in the hands of God. Looking at the story of Hannah in the early chapters of the book of Samuel, we see an example of the change fervent prayer brings to situations. For a woman to remain childless in those days was treated as a reproach and an inferred some sin in the life and God’s displeasure. Hannah although she had the devotion of her husband still had to contend with Peninah’s ridicule and reproach. The stigma of her society at that time was difficult to cope with. Her visit to the tabernacle and fervent prayer to the Lord was such the Eli the priest accused her of dr...