More to Life...continued
The More to Life series mentioned in my post, , has begun! Last week by way of introduction it was Discovery Bible Study Reloaded and we examined Matthew 7: 24-29, the parable of The Wise and Foolish Builders. Lots of laughter when someone recalled a children's song of long ago and got the group to join in. This week was the first study, Life, in the series. John 10:10 "I have come that they may have life and have it to the full." No singing this time but lots of excitement. Names were quickly entered on our Pray4five cards. And more excitement for me when my young friend, Praveen, from India, agreed to lead the group next week. Podcasts of the weekly sermons are available at Not only reloaded but reinvented into a Discovery Discipleship Movement. We shall what see what God has in store.