
Showing posts from July, 2015

Discovery Bible Study Update

Since early 2015 we have met to have a cuppa, read the Bible aloud and respond to five questions, what do you like about this story or passage, what does the story tell us about people, what does the story tell us about God, what does the story tell us about and finally who needs to hear this story. Ace took the lead and suggested, because it was a long reading, we could each read a section of the passage of Scripture assigned for the morning, Jesus, the Bread of Life, found in John 6:25-58. The previous week we had read the story of God's provision of manna found in Exodus 16:1-12. With two green teas, three cappuccinos and one flat white ordered Ace started, and moving anticlockwise the others followed each reading a section, Arthur next, then Rob, then me, followed by Shane finishing with Mohamed. While it was Mohamed's first time in attendance he didn't hesitate, and with some help from Shane's completed his reading admirably. It was Ace, who had extended the invita...

Crossing the Bridge

Some time ago a young lady, Ella, who had been attending our local church was referred to me by the Coordinator of our Children's Ministry.  She was very interested in the internship program the church was introducing the following year. I was the project coordinator. We agreed on a time to discuss her interest. Ella told me her story and expressed her interest in the children's ministry. I explained how we envisaged the internship program operating and the requirements of the candidates. During the conversation, while Ella proved herself to be a very good candidate, I had this sense of uncertainty in regard to her personal relationship with God. So before we finished I asked, "Ella, can I run something by you?" After a short pause I then went on to ask, "Ella, let me ask, has anyone ever sat down with you and explained from the Bible how you can know God personally and be sure of your relationship with him?" From time to time at church I sense the need to m...

A Tale of a Flowering Gum...

Some time ago I planted a flowering gum. I had purchased two but one died in the pot before I was able to replant it. The onset of hot weather, at the start of the Australian summer, was too much for the replanted tree and the leaves instead of a healthy green turned brown. Seemingly it had died too. I was disappointed. I'm not sure whether it was my disappointment but I delayed pulling it out. One day I had the task of pulling it out on my list of gardening jobs. I collected the fork from the shed, stepped on the garden bed where I had planted the tree and was about to drive the fork into the ground at the root of the tree when, thankfully, I noticed tiny new buds appearing on the branches of the tree. I was pleasantly surprised. The tree had obviously taken root and, although the leaves had turned brown, it was alive. It had survived. I never cease to be amazed by the resurrection story. Christ seemingly dead was alive! Similarly, I am thrilled when the new life of God breaks thr...

Leicester Mission Update...

From Steve... Searching for Houses of Peace in Leicester Early in July around 70 people went out looking for “houses of peace” around our home city of Leicester. When Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem he sent out 72 disciples to prepare the way. They went, taking nothing with them except the offer of prayer and the good news. They went looking for “houses of peace”. Homes that welcomed the messenger and the message (Luke 10:1-11). This is what happened in Leicester when we put Jesus’ instructions in practice. On our first night Michelle and I walked up and down a whole street in an Indian area visiting every home. Many people were out. Most people we met thanked us for asking, but didn’t want us to pray for them. It was hard work. At the last door we met Prema, a young professional woman from India. We asked her if there was anything we could pray for? Please come in she insisted. She was suffering from back pain and wanted us to pray for her. Half an hour later we left promising to vi...

Take the Time...

From my friend Paul... Good morning friends! I had an interesting drive to Camperdown yesterday, in and out of squally storm patches with rain and sleet and wind. But at one point there was a clear patch, with a big, clear rainbow right in front of me, painted against an immense dark storm front up ahead. All the colours were so sharp and bright and clearly distinguishable in a broad band across the road ahead. And I was thinking to myself, "Should I stop and get a picture? That's the sort of thing people like to see on Facebook." And so I deliberated for maybe a kilometer and by the time I had made up my mind the colours had faded, started to go fuzzy, and then within seconds it was gone. And I was back in the storm front, with windscreen wipers going like the clappers. And it occurred to me that God's will for our lives can be very much like that. Every so often we gain a clear view of it. God wants us to see all the glorious promises he has for us, just like when H...

Leicester Mission

From Steve.. Pray for the Leicester Mission week Last weekend we trained seventy people in our home city of Leicester. We taught them how to connect with people, share the gospel and train new disciples. On Saturday afternoon everyone went out in pairs praying for people on the streets and asking, "Are you near or far from God?" and "Would you like to be near?" I met a Nigerian couple with a Muslim background. We had a great conversation and plan to get together and talk again. So many others had similar experiences. From July 6-11 Christians from around Leicester and Britain will gather for a week of Mission. Each morning there will training. In the afternoons and evenings we will go out into the community searching for “houses of peace.” When Jesus sent out his disciples he told them to look for God-prepared people who would open their homes to the messengers and their message (Luke 10). We’ll be going out with a small gift of cookies and an offer to pray for any ...